General Information:
This website uses cookies. Your user name and an ecrypted version of your password will be saved for the duration of your session.
To make sure your data is not saved, always log out after using the site.
This website uses pop ups. The website may not function properly if pop ups are not allowed by your browser.
Instructions for use:
To cancel any of the below actions, close the pop up form by clicking the x in the top right corner.
Creating a new user
- Click the Sign Up button. This will open a pop up form. All fields are mandatory.
- Enter your first name.
- Enter a unique User Name. If your user name is not unique, you will receive a message when you try to submit the form.
- Enter a password. There are no password restrictions.
- Choose either a Student or Teacher account type.
- Click the Sign Up button. If successful, the form will close. You may, then, click Log In to enter your account.
Logging in
- Click the Log In button. This will open a pop up form. All fields are mandatory.
- Enter your user name.
- Enter your password.
- Select either the Student or Teacher account type.
- Click the Log In button.
If successful, you will be redirected to your personalized learning system page. If unsuccessful, you will be notified and a link
to the main site will be provided.
- If you are unable to remember your credentials, please contact the site creator using the link below.
Logging out
- Click the Log Out button. This will clear your information from your browser and redirect you to the main bookmarks page.
Teacher functions:
Adding a course/unit
- From your personalized teaching page, click the Add Course Unit button. This will open a pop up form. All fields are mandatory.
- Enter the course number. The maximum length is 15 characters.
- Enter the course name. The maximum length is 100 characters.
- Enter the course description. The maximum length is 200 characters.
- Enter the unit name (or number). The maximum length is 15 characters.
- Select whether you are adding a lesson or a quiz.
- Click the Submit button.
- You will be taken to the course creation page. Here, you can learn how to create the course document, upload the course document,
and upload course images.
- Make sure the course documents are saved as .xml files.
- Make sure the images are saved as .jpg, .png, or .gif.
Editing a course
- From your personalized teaching page, click the Edit Course button. This will open a pop up form. The course number field is mandatory.
All other fields are optional.
- Enter the course number.
- Enter information in the fields you wish to change.
- If you wish to edit the course contents, enter the type of content you wish to edit and the unit number.
- Click Continue.
- You will be taken to the course editing page. Here, you can download a copy of the course contents, upload a course document,
and upload course images. The required file types are the same as for course creation.
- Downloading the course document will download a .xml file. You may view it with a notepad or other text editing program on your
Deleting a course
- From your personalized teaching page, click the Delete Course button. This will open a pop up form. The course number field is mandatory.
The unit number is only required if you wish to delete a specific unit. Please note that if you do not enter a specific unit, all units will
be deleted from the learning system.
- Click the Submit button.
Providing feedback
- From your personalized teaching page, click the Provide Feedback button. This will open a pop up form. All fields are mandatory.
- Enter the course number, unit number, and student name from the Feedback Due chart, and enter feedback for the student.
Click the Submit button. The student will see your comments on their learning system home page but only the student will be able to
see the comment.
Student functions:
Start a new course
- From your personalized learning page, click the Start New Course button. This will open a pop up form.
- Enter the course number.
- Click Start.
- Select the Unit you wish to start.
- Select the Content Type you wish to start.
- Click Begin.
- The course content will be displayed.
Continue a course
- You may continue a course listed in the In Progress chart.
- Click the Continue Course button.
- Enter the course number.
- Click Continue.
- The lesson will be displayed. Once you have completed the quiz for a unit, the course will be in the Completed Courses list.
Contact Site Creator